List of presentations (latest first)
- (#) Improving JSON Schema Inference by Incorporating User Inputs.
- Paper presentation at 23rd Belgium-Netherlands Software Evolution Workshop (BENEVOL), S09, Université de Namur, Namen, Belgium, 21 November 2024, 14:30–14:50.
- [Paper] [Slides
- (#) Modelling of Cyber-Physical Systems through Domain-Specific Languages: Decision, Analysis, Design.
- Paper presentation at Sixth International Workshop on Modeling Language Engineering (MLE), Linz, Austria, 22 September 2024.
- [Paper] [Slides
- (#) Seeing a Language.
- Summer school lecture at Third International Software Engineering Summer School (SIESTA), Lugano, Switzerland, 13 September 2023, 9:00–10:30.
- [LinkedIn] [Slides
] [News] [Twitter]
- (#) Improving Nothingness. Refactoring Whitespace.
- Seminar presentation at 15th Seminar in Series on Advanced Techniques and Tools for Software Evolution (SATToSE), F3, University of Salerno, Fisciano, Italy, 12 June 2023, 12:00–12:30.
- [Paper] [Paper] [Slides
- (#) Work Package 4: Model-Based System Enginerring.
- Kick-off pitch at Zorro: Zero Downtime in Cyber Physical Systems, Erlenmeyer, University of Twente, The Netherlands, 25 May 2023, 11:30–11:45.
- (#) Smart Grammars.
- Project pitch at FMT Research Day, Sprakel, Lonneker, Enschede, The Netherlands, 23 March 2023, 15:30–15:45.
- (#) Facilitator: Code Review.
- Session at Teaching Assistant Training, Carré 2L, University of Twente, The Netherlands, 6 March 2023, 12:00–13:30.
- [Slides
- (#) Responsible Language Design.
- Keynote presentation at 11th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering (MODELSWARD), New York Room, Lisbon, Portugal, 20 February 2023, 14:30–15:30.
- [Abstract
] [Paper] [Slides
] [Video
- (#) What is a ‘system’ and how do we model it?
- Panel statement and discussion at 11th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering (MODELSWARD), New York Room, Lisbon, Portugal, 19 February 2023, 15:00–16:00.
- (#) Teaching Assistants Roles and Competences.
- Poster market presentation at Senior University Examination Qualification (SUEQ), Atrium, Ravelijn, UTwente, The Netherlands, 25 January 2023, 15:30–18:00.
- [Poster
- (#) Procrastination.
- Guest lecture and panel discussion at Academic Skills, Waaier 1, UTwente, The Netherlands, 11 January 2023, 10:45–12:30. Invited by Georgiana Caltais. Other panel contributions by Andrea Rijkeboer — van Gemert and Eddy Zeën.
- [Slides
- (#) A Refined Model of Ill-definedness in Project-Based Learning.
- Paper presentation at Educators Symposium of the ACM/IEEE 18th International Conference on
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (EduSymp), Montréal, Canada, 25 October 2023.
- [Paper] [Slides
- (#) Deriving Modernity Signatures for PHP Systems with Static Analysis.
- Paper presentation at 22nd IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM), Limassol, Cyprus, 4 October 2023, 12:15–12:30.
- [Paper] [Slides
- (#) Time Management: Summarising 3 Days into 30 Minutes.
- Colloquium presentation at Formal Methods and Tools, 29 September 2022, 15:45–16:30.
- (#) Program Verification Tools, Classified.
- Working group meeting presentation at Twenty First Meeting of the IFIP Working Group on Program Generation (IFIP WG 2.11), SDU, Odense, Denmark, 18 August 2022, 9:00–9:30.
- [Abstract
- (#) Speak Well or Be Still: Solving Conversational AI with Weighted Attribute Grammars.
- Paper presentation at International workshop on MDE for Smart IoT Systems (MeSS), Nantes, France, 5 July 2022, 14:15–14:30.
- [Paper] [Slides
- (#) DEUS VULT: The Holy Wars of Computer Science.
- Fun/Drink lecture at InterActief, 30 November 2021, 18:00–20:00.
- (#) The Dead Code Hunt — Staring into the Abyss of COBOL and ECMAScript.
- Invited lecture at Universität Ulm, 12 November 2021, 10:00–12:00. Presented joint work with Alberto Martinez de Murga Ramirez.
- (#) Your Pythonicity May Vary.
- Colloquium presentation at Formal Methods and Tools, 28 October 2021, 15:45–16:30. Presented joint work with Aamir Farooq.
- [Paper] [Project]
- (#) There Is More Than One Way to Zen Your Python.
- Conference presentation at 14th International Conference on Software Language Engineering, 17 October 2021, 7:55–8:10; 15:55–16:10. Presented joint work with Aamir Farooq.
- [YouTube] [Paper] [Project]
- (#) My Vision: Averting the Second Software Crisis.
- Magazine interview at I/O Magazine, April 2021. Taken by Reineke Maschhaupt.
- [Page 24
] [Online
- (#) Is it BabyCobol-proof?
- Online event presentation at Strumenta Community Virtual Meetup on Language Engineering, 15 April 2021, 18:00.
- [Slides
] [Abstract
] [Twitter]
- (#) Software Productisation.
- Online event presentation at IPAndemic, 26 March 2021, 14:35–15:10.
- [Slides
- (#) Welcome to CoCoDo.
- Introduction presentation at Raincode Labs Compiler Coding Dojo, 22 March 2021, 14:00–14:10.
- (#) Towards Bug-Free Compilers.
- Colloquium presentation at Formal Methods and Tools, 28 January 2021, 15:45–16:30.
- [Announcement] [Video
- (#) The Art of Distancing.
- Online teaching advice pitch at UTwente Computer Science Educational Day, 21 January 2021, 16:40–16:45.
- (#) Software Languages Engineers’ Worst Nightmare.
- Conference mirror session presentation at 13th International Conference on Software Language Engineering, 16 November 2020, 8:20–8:40.
- [YouTube]
- (#) Software Languages Engineers’ Worst Nightmare.
- Conference presentation at 13th International Conference on Software Language Engineering, 15 November 2020, 20:20–20:40.
- [YouTube]
- (#) 10 Languages in 10 Years.
- Colloquium presentation at Formal Methods and Tools, 24 September 2020, 15:45–16:30.
- [Slides
] [Video
- (#) Hidden Mainstream: The Mainframe Languages.
- Invited presentation at First Workshop on Programming Research in Mainstream Languages, 6 July 2020, 11:30–12:15.
- [Abstract
] [Slides
] [YouTube]
- (#) Modelling of Language Syntax and Semantics.
- Paper teaser video at 16th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications, 3 June 2020.
- [Abstract
] [YouTube]
- (#) Interview with Vadim Zaytsev.
- Podcast interview at Beyond Parsing, 20 March 2020. Taken by Sergej Koščejev and Federico Tomassetti.
- [MP3
] [Transcript
] [Twitter] [Twitter]
- (#) BabyCOBOL: The Challenge to Program Generation Tool Developers.
- Working group meeting presentation at Twentieth Meeting of the IFIP Working Group on Program Generation (IFIP WG 2.11), LIP6, 4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France, 17 February 2020, 16:15–17:00.
- [Abstract
- (#) Blind Men and a Room Full of Elephants.
- Keynote presentation at 18th Belgium-Netherlands Software Evolution Workshop (BENEVOL), E0.09, VUB, Brussels, Belgium, 28 November 2019, 9:00–10:30.
- [Abstract
- (#) Event-Based Parsing.
- Paper presentation at Sixth Workshop on Reactive and Event-based Languages and Systems (REBLS), Athens, Greece, 21 October 2019, 14:30–15:00.
- [Paper]
- (#) Modelling Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics in Practice.
- Keynote presentation at International Workshop on Modeling Language Engineering and Execution: The Joint Fifth International Workshop on Executable Modeling and Seventh International Workshop on the Globalization of Modeling Languages (MLE = EXE + GEMOC), Munich, Germany, 17 September 2019, 9:00–10:30.
- [Abstract]
- (#) Modern Construction of Industrial Strength Compilers.
- Summer school lecture at Computer Science Summer in Russia (CSSR), Novosibirsk, Russia, 27 June 2019, 16:15–17:50; 28 June 2019, 14:30–16:05 & 16:15–17:50.
- [Abstract]
- (#) Ecosystem Health as a Reason for Migration: The Mainframe Case.
- Industry talk at Second International Workshop on Software Health (SoHeal), Montreal, Canada, 28 May 2019, 15:10–15:30.
- [Abstract
] [YouTube]
- (#) Fourth-Generation Languages Are Technical Debt.
- Tool demonstration at Second International Conference on Technical Debt (TechDebt), Montreal, Canada, 26 May 2019, 10:18–10:24.
- [Abstract
- (#) A Language-Parametric Toolchain for Mining Idiomatic Code Patterns.
- Project demonstration at Third International Conference on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming (‹Programming›), Genoa, Italy, 3 April 2019, 13:45–14:15. Second part about mining and visualising the patterns was given by Dr. Johan Fabry. Presented joint work with Prof. Dr. Kim Mens and Dr. Siegfried Nijssen and Dr. Hoang Son Pham and Dr. Coen De Roover and Dr. Dario Di Nucci and Dr. Tim Molderez.
- [Abstract]
- (#) An Industrial Case Study in Compiler Testing.
- Paper presentation at 11th International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE), Boston, USA, 5 November 2018, 16:30–16:50.
- [Slides
] [Abstract] [Paper]
- (#) The Secret Evolution of Bad Languages.
- Keynote presentation at 11th Seminar on Advanced Techniques and Tools for Software Evolution (SATToSE), Athens, Greece, 4 July 2018, 14:00–15:00.
- [Abstract]
- (#) How Do You Test Your Compiler? Here’s How I Test Mine.
- Presentation at Language Developers Meetup (LangDev), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 9 March 2018, 10:00–10:30.
- [Slides
] [Abstract]
- (#) Succeeding at Impossible Industrial Projects with Generative Technologies.
- Working group presentation at Seventeenth Meeting of the IFIP Working Group 2.11 on Program Generation, Koblenz, Germany, 17 July 2017, 11:45–12:30.
- [Abstract]
- (#) DYOL: Design a Language, Know the Consequences.
- Invited presentation at ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH-I), Vancouver, Canada, 27 October 2017, 10:30–11:00.
- [Abstract] [Paper] [DYOL]
- (#) DYOL: Design a Language, Know the Consequences.
- Poster presentation at ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH), Vancouver, Canada, 23–25 October 2017, 17:30–19:30.
- [Poster
] [Abstract] [Paper] [DYOL]
- (#) Grammar Smells.
- Poster presentation at ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH), Vancouver, Canada, 23–25 October 2017, 17:30–19:30. Presented joint work with Mats Stijlaart.
- [Poster
] [Abstract] [Paper] [GraSs]
- (#) An Introduction to the Software Language Engineering Body of Knowledge.
- Progress report at 10th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE), Vancouver, Canada, 24 October 2017, 16:45–17:10.
- [Slides
] [Abstract] [SLEBoK
- (#) Parser Generation by Example for Legacy Pattern Languages.
- Paper presentation at 16th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts & Experience (GPCE), Vancouver, Canada, 24 October 2017, 14:45–15:00.
- [Slides
] [Abstract] [Paper]
- (#) Can Some Programming Languages Be Considered Harmful?
- Paper presentation at 8th Workshop on Evaluation and Usability of Programming Languages and Tools (PLATEAU), Vancouver, Canada, 23 October 2017, 16:25–16:45. Presented joint work with Sabine Janssens and Dr. Ulrik Pagh Schultz.
- [Slides
] [Abstract] [Paper]
- (#) Towards a Taxonomy of Grammar Smells.
- Paper presentation at 10th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE), Vancouver, Canada, 23 October 2017, 13:30–13:53. Presented joint work with Mats Stijlaart.
- [Slides
] [Abstract] [Paper] [GraSs]
- (#) Megamodelling with NGA Multimodels.
- Paper presentation at 2nd ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Comprehension of Complex Systems (CoCoS), Vancouver, Canada, 23 October 2017, 10:30–11:00.
- [Slides
] [Abstract] [Paper]
- (#) Objectifying a Metaprogramming Language.
- Paper presentation at -2th Workshop on New Object-Oriented Languages (NOOL), Vancouver, Canada, 23 October 2017, 9:15–9:50.
- [Slides
] [Abstract] [Paper]
- (#) Parsing @ IDE.
- Paper presentation at Fifth Annual Workshop on Parsing Programming Languages (Parsing@SLE), Vancouver, Canada, 22 October 2017, 14:30–15:00.
- [Slides
] [Abstract] [Paper]
- (#) Incremental Coverage of Legacy Software Languages.
- Writers' workshop presentation at Third Edition of the Programming Experience Workshop (PX/17.2), Vancouver, Canada, 22 October 2017, 11:15–12:00.
- [Slides
] [Abstract] [Paper]
- (#) Software Language Design with Intent, or, How I Read 24 Books and Why.
- Paper presentation at ACM/IEEE 20th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS), Austin, USA, 20 September 2017, 11:30–12:00.
- [Slides
] [Paper] [DYOL]
- (#) Intelligent Modernisation Assistance for Legacy Software.
- Project proposal pitch at Team Up — Academic Research & Industry (Innoviris), Brussels, Belgium, 14 September 2017, 9:30–10:30. Presented joint work with Prof. Dr. Kim Mens and Dr. Coen De Roover.
- (#) Sentiment Analysis of Paper Reviews and Calls for Papers.
- Hackathon presentation at SATToSE Hackathon on Natural Language Processing, Bergen, 13 July 2016, 14:20–14:30. Presented joint work with Prof. Dr. Ralf Lämmel.
- (#) Software Language Identification with Natural Language Classifiers.
- Paper presentation at 23rd IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering, Early Research Achievements Track (SANER ERA), Osaka, 17 March 2016, 14:10–14:20. Presented joint work with Juriaan Kennedy van Dam.
- [Slides
] [Paper]
- (#) Defining, Composing and Managing Flexible Linguistic Commitments.
- Tool demonstration at Flexible MDE Workshop (FlexMDE), Ottawa, Canada, 29 September 2015, 16:15–16:30.
- [Paper] [Code
- (#) Taxonomy of Flexible Linguistic Commitments.
- Paper presentation at Flexible MDE Workshop (FlexMDE), Ottawa, Canada, 29 September 2015, 14:30–15:00.
- [Paper] [Slides
- (#) Flipped Top-Down is Systematic Bottom-Up.
- Paper presentation at Educators Symposium of the ACM/IEEE 18th International Conference on
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (EduSymp), Ottawa, Canada, 29 September 2015, 11:10–11:35.
- [Paper] [Slides
- (#) Multi-Language Modelling with Second Order Intensions.
- Paper presentation at Second International Workshop on Multi-Level Modelling (MULTI), Ottawa, Canada, 27 September 2015, 13:00–13:25.
- [Paper] [Slides
- (#) You’ve Redecorated! I Don’t Like It.
- Invited presentation at Raincode, Brussels, Belgium, 17 September 2015, 14:00–15:00.
- (#) Using Dependence Graphs for Slicing Functional Programs.
- Paper presentation at 27th International Symposium Implementation and Application of Functional and Programming Languages (IFL), Koblenz, Germany, 15 September 2015, 16:00–16:30.
- [Paper] [Slides
- (#) Grammar Manipulation in a Broad Sense.
- Invited colloquium presentation at School of Computing, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada, 3 September 2015, 16:30–18:00.
- (#) Grammars and Trees.
- Tutorial at Summer School Premaster Software Engineering (SSPMSE), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 18 August 2015, 9:30–12:30.
- [Rascal] [Slides
- (#) Language Design.
- Invited tutorial at Hackers and Designers Summer Academy (HDSA), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3 August 2015, 14:00–19:00.
- [Slides
- (#) Two-Faced Data.
- Pattern presentation at First International Workshop on Patterns in Model Engineering (PAME), L’Aquila, Italy, 21 July 2015, 11:00.
- [Paper] [Slides
- (#) Coupled Transformations of Shared Packed Parse Forests.
- Paper presentation at Sixth International Workshop on Graph Computation Models (GCM), L’Aquila, Italy, 20 July 2015, 11:00.
- [Paper] [Slides
- (#) Coupling BibSLEIGH with ConferenceMetrics.
- Hackathon presentation at SATToSE Hackathon on Process Automation, Mons, Belgium, 8 July 2015, 10:00.
- [Paper] [BibSLEIGH] [ConferenceMetrics]
- (#) BibSLEIGH: Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext.
- Technology showdown presentation at Eighth Seminar in Series on Advanced Techniques and Tools for Software Evolution (SATToSE), Mons, Belgium, 7 July 2015, 12:00.
- [Paper] [Paper] [BibSLEIGH]
- (#) Evolution of Metaprograms, or How to Transform XSLT to Rascal.
- Seminar presentation at Eighth Seminar in Series on Advanced Techniques and Tools for Software Evolution (SATToSE), Mons, Belgium, 6 July 2015, 10:00.
- [Paper] [Slides
- (#) Grammar Zoo.
- Poster presentation at National Symposium Software Engineering in The Netherlands (SEN), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3 December 2014.
- [Poster
] [Paper]
- (#) Software Engineering Master Students Replicate (Your) Research.
- Poster presentation at National Symposium Software Engineering in The Netherlands (SEN), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3 December 2014. Presented joint work with Dr. Magiel Bruntink and Ammar Hamid and Dr. Tijs van der Storm (now Prof. Dr.) and Çiğdem Aytekin.
- [Poster
] [Paper]
- (#) From Compilers to Grammarware.
- Invited presentation on the research area overview for Department of Computer Science (Paderborn), P1.3.01, Universität Paderborn, Germany, 25 November 2014, 15:00.
- [Slides
- (#) Things You Do When You Parse.
- Presentation of recent research results at Software Languages Team (SLT), B016, Institut für Informatik, Universität Koblenz-Landau, Koblenz, Germany, 27 October 2014, 18:00. Presented joint work with Anya Helene Bagge.
- [Slides
] [Paper] [Paper]
- (#) Parsing in a Broad Sense.
- Paper presentation at 17th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS), Valencia, Spain, 3 October 2014, 11:00–11:20. Presented joint work with Anya Helene Bagge.
- [Schedule] [Slides
] [Paper] [Twitter] [Twitter] [Twitter] [Twitter] [Twitter]
- (#) Model-based Student Admission.
- Paper presentation at Educators Symposium @ MoDELS (EduSymp), Valencia, Spain, 29 September 2014, 14:30–14:50.
- [Schedule] [Slides
] [Paper] [Twitter] [Twitter]
- (#) Grammar Maturity Model.
- Paper presentation at Ninth Workshop on Models and Evolution (ME), Valencia, Spain, 28 September 2014, 14:30–15:00.
- [Schedule] [Slides
] [Paper] [Twitter]
- (#) Understanding Metalanguage Integration by Renarration.
- Paper presentation at Second International Workshop on the Globalization of Modeling Languages (GEMOC), Valencia, Spain, 28 September 2014, 12:10–12:30.
- [Schedule] [Slides
] [Paper] [Twitter]
- (#) Linguistic History of Software Engineering.
- Colloquium presentation at Computational Science @ UvA (SCS), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 19 September 2014, 16:00–17:00.
- [Slides
- (#) Working with Wikipedia.
- Writing workshop at Project Natuur / Wiki Loves Earth (WLE), Nationaal Park De Alde Feanen, 9 June 2014.
- [Slides
] [Slides
] [Schedule
] [Proof
- (#) Case Studies in Bidirectionalisation.
- Paper presentation at Trends in Functional Programming (TFP), Soesterberg, 26 May 2014, 12:40–13:00.
- [Schedule] [Slides
] [Paper]
- (#) Flipped Graduate Classroom in a Haskell-based Software Testing Course.
- Paper presentation at Trends in Functional Programming in Education (TFPIE), Soesterberg, 25 May 2014, 16:35–16:55. Presented joint work with Prof. Dr. Jan van Eijck.
- [Schedule] [Slides
] [Paper]
- (#) The Day of the Master.
- Coding dojo session at Joy of Coding, Rotterdam, 7 March 2014, 14:30–16:30.
- [Slides
] [MSc SE UvA]
- (#) Formal Foundations for Semi-parsing.
- Paper presentation at Software Evolution Week (the Conference on Software Maintenance, Reengineering and Reverse Engineering), Early Research Achievements Track (CSMR-WCRE ERA), Antwerp, 6 February 2014, 11:00–11:15.
- [Slides
] [Paper]
- (#) Formal Foundations for Semi-parsing.
- Poster presentation at Software Evolution Week (the Conference on Software Maintenance, Reengineering and Reverse Engineering), Early Research Achievements Track (CSMR-WCRE ERA), Antwerp, 4 February 2014, 18:00–21:00.
- [Poster
] [Paper]
- (#) Software Language Engineering by Intentional Rewriting.
- Paper presentation at Eight International Workshop on Software Quality and Maintainability (SQM), Antwerp, 3 February 2014, 12:00–12:30.
- [Slides
] [Paper] [Photo] [Photo]
- (#) Flipped Education.
- Invited presentation at Education Freedom Day, Amersfoort, 19 January 2014, 11:00–12:00.
- [Slides
- (#) Imperative and Declarative Views on Software Language Evolution.
- Symposium presentation at Netherlands Functional Programming Day (NLFP), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 10 January 2014, 10:45–11:10.
- [Slides
] [Slides
] [Abstract]
- (#) Grammarware Legacy.
- Project final report at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 13 December 2013, 13:00–16:00.
- [Slides
- (#) Guided Grammar Convergence.
- Poster presentation at Sixth International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE 2013), Indianapolis, USA, 27 October 2013, 17:00.
- [Poster
] [CWI] [Paper]
- (#) Micropatterns in Grammars.
- Paper presentation at Sixth International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE 2013), Indianapolis, USA, 27 October 2013, 14:30.
- [Slides
] [Abstract] [CWI] [Paper]
- (#) Modeling Software Structures with GrammarLab.
- Tutorial at ACM/IEEE 16th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS), Miami, USA, 1 October 2013, 8:30–12:00.
- [Slides
] [CWI] [GrammarLab]
- (#) Pending Evolution of Grammars.
- Paper presentation at Second Extreme Modeling Workshop (XM), Miami, USA, 29 September 2013, 10:50.
- [Slides
] [CWI] [Paper] [GrammarLab]
- (#) Alphametic Cryptarithms and Polychromatic Coppices in Rascal.
- Technology showdown presentation at Sixth Seminar in Series on Advanced Techniques and Tools for Software Evolution (SATToSE), Bern, Switzerland, 10 July 2013, 14:25.
- [Slides
] [CWI] [Rascal]
- (#) Modelling Robustness with Conjunctive Grammars.
- Seminar presentation at Sixth Seminar in Series on Advanced Techniques and Tools for Software Evolution (SATToSE), Bern, Switzerland, 10 July 2013, 11:15.
- [Slides
] [CWI]
- (#) Modeling Software Structures with GrammarLab.
- Colloquium presentation at Programming Environment Meeting (PEM), L017, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 17 May 2013, 11:00.
- [CWI] [GrammarLab]
- (#) Software Engineering Considered Harmful.
- Colloquium presentation with Prof. Emer. Jean Bézivin at Programming Environment Meeting (PEM), L017, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 15 February 2013, 11:00.
- [Slides
] [CWI] [Twitter]
- (#) A Snappy Introduction to Metaprogramming in Rascal.
- Conference presentation at Winter Developers Conference for REBOL, Red and Syllable (RedDevCon), De War, Amersfoort, The Netherlands, 26 January 2013, 17:00.
- [Slides
] [CWI] [Rascal]
- (#) Negotiated Transformations.
- Colloquium presentation at Programming Environment Meeting (PEM), L017, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 18 January 2013, 11:00.
- [Slides
] [CWI] [Paper] [Paper] [Announcement] [GrammarLab]
- (#) Wiki Loves Monuments Data Recovery and Curation.
- Hackathon presentation at Wikimedia Nederland Hackathon, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 10 November 2012, 21:00.
- [Code] [Scherpenzeel
] [Wageningen
- (#) Negotiated Grammar Transformation.
- Paper presentation at Extreme Modeling Workshop (XM), Innsbruck, Austria, 1 October 2012, 14:30.
- [Slides
] [Album
] [CWI] [Paper]
- (#) Renarrating Linguistic Architecture.
- Poster presentation at Workshop on Multi-Paradigm Modeling (MPM), Innsbruck, Austria, 1 October 2012.
- [Poster
] [CWI] [Paper]
- (#) Subatomic Scientific Knowledge Objects.
- Remote presentation at Software Languages, Software Linguistics and Software Language Engineering Body of Knowledge (SL(E)BOK), Dresden/Amsterdam, 25 September 2012.
- [Slides
] [YouTube
] [CWI] [Discussion]
- (#) Open Notebook Computer Science.
- Presentation at Software Freedom Day “Open Education” (SFD), CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 19 September 2012, 13:00.
- [Abstract] [Slides
] [YouTube
] [CWI]
- (#) Presenting Rascal solutions.
- Report on joint work with Anastasia Izmaylova and Jan Kurš at SoTeSoLa Hackathon on Reverse Engineering and Reengineering 101companies, Koblenz, Germany, 23 August 2012, 11:00.
- [Code] [Code] [YouTube]
- (#) Introduction to the SoTeSoLa Hackathon on Reverse Engineering and Reengineering 101companies.
- Coordination presentation at Summer School on Software Technologies and Software Languages (SoTeSoLa), Koblenz, Germany, 20 August 2012, 18:30.
- [Slides
] [YouTube]
- (#) Bidirectional Grammar Transformations.
- Seminar presentation at Fifth Seminar in Series on Advanced Techniques and Tools for Software Evolution (SATToSE), Koblenz, Germany, 20 August 2012, 13:30.
- [Slides
] [CWI]
- (#) Rascal Metaprogramming Language.
- Technology showdown presentation at Summer School on Software Technologies and Software Languages (SoTeSoLa), Koblenz, Germany, 20 August 2012, 12:00.
- [Slides
] [YouTube] [CWI]
- (#) Grammar Composition and Extension.
- Symposium presentation at Symposium on Language Composability and Modularity (SLaC’M), L017, CWI, Amsterdam, 10 August 2012, 14:00.
- [Slides
] [CWI] [Paper] [Paper] [Paper]
- (#) Renarration of Megamodels.
- Presentation of upcoming research results at Software Languages Team (SLT), B127, Institut für Informatik, Universität Koblenz-Landau, 25 July 2012, 16:30.
- [Slides
] [CWI] [Paper]
- (#) Grammar Convergence.
- Presentation of recent research results at Software Languages Team (SLT), B127, Institut für Informatik, Universität Koblenz-Landau, 25 July 2012, 15:00.
- [Slides
] [CWI] [Paper] [Paper]
- (#) Megamodelling Language Design: User Experiences and Ad Hoc Megamodelling.
- Local talk about ongoing research results in joint work with Prof. Dr. Ralf Lämmel and Dr. Jean-Marie Favre and Andrei Varanovich at Software Languages Team (SLT), Institut für Informatik, Universität Koblenz-Landau, 18 July 2012, 10:00.
- [4sq] [CWI] [Twitter]
- (#) Advanced Metaprogramming.
- Guest lecture and colloquium presentation at Advanced Programming by the Software Languages Team (SLT), M001, Institut für Informatik, Universität Koblenz-Landau, 17 July 2012, 14:00.
- [Slides
] [CWI] [Announcement]
- (#) Grammar Convergence.
- Poster display at CWI Lectures on Understanding Software (CLUS), Science Park, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 14 June 2012.
- [Poster
] [Paper] [Paper] [SLPS
- (#) Grammarware Engineering.
- Poster display at CWI Lectures on Understanding Software (CLUS), Science Park, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 14 June 2012.
- [Poster
] [Paper] [GrammarLab]
- (#) Grammars Matter.
- Poster display at CWI Lectures on Understanding Software (CLUS), Science Park, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 14 June 2012.
- [Poster
] [Paper] [GrammarLab]
- (#) Experimental Replications.
- Colloquium discussion at Programming Environment Meeting (PEM), L017, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 25 May 2012, 11:00.
- [Slides
] [Announcement]
- (#) Tolerance in Grammarware.
- Colloquium presentation at Programming Environment Meeting (PEM), L017, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 4 May 2012, 11:00.
- [Slides
] [CWI] [Announcement] [GrammarLab]
- (#) CWI Lectures on Understanding Software.
- Event pitch at Hackers & Founders (HFXXX), Melkweg Café, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3 May 2012, 20:00.
- [Slides
] [Meetup] [CLUS]
- (#) Maintenance and Evolution of Grammarware by Grammar Transformation.
- Invited presentation at IPA Spring Days on Model-Driven Software Engineering (IPA MDSE 2012), Hotel Overbosch, Garderen, The Netherlands, 18 April 2012, 10:30.
- [Slides
] [CWI] [Abstract] [Paper] [Paper] [Paper] [Paper] [Paper] [GrammarLab] [SLPS
- (#) A Tale of Two Grammars.
- Impromptu presentation at 12th International Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools, and Applications (LDTA 2012), Tallinn, Estonia, 1 April 2012, 12:50.
- [Slides
] [CWI] [Paper] [Abstract] [Paper] [Paper] [GrammarLab] [SLPS
- (#) Notation-Parametric Grammar Recovery.
- Paper presentation at 12th International Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools, and Applications (LDTA 2012), Tallinn, Estonia, 1 April 2012, 11:30.
- [Slides
] [CWI] [Paper] [GrammarLab] [SLPS
- (#) BNF WAS HERE: What Have We Done About the Unnecessary Diversity of Notation for Syntactic Definitions.
- Paper presentation at Programming Languages Track of the 27th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC/PL 2012), Sala100, Riva del Garda, Italy, 27 March 2012, 11:10.
- [Slides
] [CWI] [Paper] [GrammarLab] [SLPS
- (#) Language Evolution, Metasyntactically.
- Paper presentation at First International Workshop on Bidirectional Transformations (BX 2012), Tallinn, Estonia, 25 March 2012, 11:30.
- [Slides
] [CWI] [Paper] [Paper] [GrammarLab] [SLPS
- (#) The Life Cycle of Grammarware.
- Invited local presentation about recent research activities at CWI Scientific Meeting (CWI SM), Euler (Z009), Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3 February 2012, 13:00.
- [Slides
] [CWI
] [Announcement] [Paper] [Paper] [Paper] [Paper] [Paper] [Paper] [Paper] [Paper] [Paper] [GrammarLab] [SLPS
- (#) Bidirectional Transformations and Grammarware.
- Colloquium presentation at Software Engineering Meeting (SEM), L017, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3 February 2012, 11:00.
- [Slides
] [Paper] [Announcement] [GrammarLab] [SLPS
- (#) History and Future of the PEM Colloquium.
- Colloquium discussion at Programming Environment Meeting (PEM), L017, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 20 January 2012, 11:00.
- [Slides
] [Announcement]
- (#) The Fifth Wikimedia Conference Netherlands (WCN 2011).
- Status messsage at Algemene Ledenvergadering van de Vereniging Wikimedia Nederland (ALV VWN), Poort van Kleef, Utrecht, 22 October 2011.
- [Abstract
] [Programme
] [WCN]
- (#) Grammar Comparison Techniques.
- Research Colloquium invited presentation at The Software Engineering Research Group (SERG), Room 9.130 (EWI), TU Delft, The Netherlands, 5 October 2011.
- [Slides
] [Abstract] [CWI] [Paper] [Paper] [Paper] [Paper] [Paper]
- (#) The Fifth Wikimedia Conference Netherlands (WCN 2011).
- Call for participation at Hackers & Founders (HFXXX), Café de Doffer, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1 September 2011.
- [Meetup] [WCN]
- (#) Toward an Engineering Discipline for Grammar Recovery.
- Colloquium presentation on recent research at Software Engineering Meeting (SEM), L016, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 18 August 2011.
- [Slides
] [Announcement] [CWI] [Zoo] [GrammarLab] [SLPS
] [4sq] [Twitter]
- (#) Wiki Migration.
- Selected presentation at Wikimania 2011, Arbel, Hecht House, Haifa, Israel, 6 August 2011.
- [Slides
] [Abstract
] [YouTube] [Schedule
] [CWI] [Rascal] [Twitter] [Twitter] [Twitter]
- (#) Comparison of Context-free Grammars Based on Parsing Generated Test Data.
- Paper presentation at Fourth International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE 2011), Braga, Portugal, 4 July 2011. Presented joint work with Dr. Bernd Fischer and Prof. Dr. Ralf Lämmel.
- [Slides
] [CWI] [Paper] [Data] [Zoo] [Zoo] [SLPS
] [Rascal]
- (#) Cheating on the Undecidability of Language Equivalence.
- Colloquium presentation on recent research at Software Engineering Meeting (SEM), L016, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 28 April 2011. Presented joint work with Dr. Bernd Fischer and Prof. Dr. Ralf Lämmel.
- [Slides
] [Announcement] [CWI] [Paper] [Data] [Zoo] [Zoo] [4sq] [GrammarLab] [SLPS
- (#) Highly Skilled Migrants in Amsterdam.
- Interview for Urban Planning Department of Amsterdam (DRO), L202, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 29 March 2011.
- [Interviewer] [Twitter]
- (#) Grammar Investigation.
- Local department talk on ongoing research at Software Engineering Meeting (SEM), L016, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 24 February 2011.
- [Announcement] [Demonstration] [CWI] [GrammarLab] [4sq] [Twitter] [Twitter] [Twitter] [Twitter]
- (#) Recovery, Convergence and Documentation of Languages.
- Colloquium presentation at Programming Environment Meeting (PEM), L016, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 16 December 2010.
- [Slides
] [Announcement] [Thesis]
- (#) Recovery, Convergence and Documentation of Languages.
- Doctoral defence exposé, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 27 October 2010.
- [Slides
] [Announcement] [Thesis] [MGP] [Twitter] [Twitter] [Twitter] [Facebook] [Facebook] [Facebook] [Facebook] [Facebook] [Facebook] [Facebook]
- (#) A Unified Format for Language Documents.
- Paper presentation at Third International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE 2010), Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 13 October 2010. Presented joint work with Prof. Dr. Ralf Lämmel.
- [Slides
] [Paper] [Abstract] [Twitter] [Twitter] [SLPS
- (#) Hacking Flexible Grammar Extractors in Python.
- Demonstration and pair programming/debugging session with Rocky Bernstein at Fourth Workshop on Dynamic Languages and Applications (DYLA 2010), Málaga, Spain, 28 June 2010.
- [pydbr] [Facebook] [SLPS
- (#) Reverse Engineering Grammar Relationships.
- Paper presentation at Twelfth Workshop on Software-Reengineering (WSR 2010), Bad-Honnef, Germany, 3 May 2010. Presented joint work with Prof. Dr. Ralf Lämmel.
- [Abstract] [Slides
] [Abstract] [SLPS
- (#) Recovering Grammar Relationships for the Java Language Specification.
- Paper presentation at Ninth IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM 2009), Edmonton, Canada, 21 September 2009. Best Paper Award. Presented joint work with Prof. Dr. Ralf Lämmel.
- [Slides
] [Paper] [SLPS
- (#) Language Convergence Infrastructure.
- Selected presentation at Third Summer School on Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering (GTTSE 2009), Braga, Portugal, 8 July 2009.
- [Slides
] [Abstract] [SLPS
- (#) Semi-automated Language Convergence.
- Poster display at Third Summer School on Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering (GTTSE 2009), Braga, Portugal, 8 July 2009. Presented collaborative effort of Software Languages Team.
- [Poster
- (#) Semi-automated Language Convergence.
- Poster presentation at @institute4cs: follow me, Koblenz, Germany, 1 July 2009. Presented collaborative effort of Software Languages Team.
- [Teaser
] [Poster
- (#) Computer Science in Koblenz.
- Interview for Software Languages Team (SLT), Universität Koblenz-Landau, Koblenz Campus, Germany, 27 May 2009.
- [YouTube] [Interviewer] [Twitter] [Twitter]
- (#) Grammar Convergence.
- Paper presentation at Seventh International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods (iFM 2009), Düsseldorf, Germany, 18 February 2009. Presented joint work with Prof. Dr. Ralf Lämmel.
- [Slides
] [Paper] [SLPS
- (#) Grammar Convergence.
- Local talk about ongoing research results in joint work with Prof. Dr. Ralf Lämmel, B132, Universität Koblenz-Landau, Koblenz, Germany, 13 February 2009.
- [Slides
] [Paper] [SLPS
- (#) Legacy: the Underside of Progress.
- Invited seminar presentation, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, 22 December 2007.
- [Slides
- (#) Methods and Tools for Predicting Working Modes of Railroad Power Supply Systems.
- Paper presentation at Railway Condition Monitoring (RCM 2006), Birmingham, England, 29 November 2006. Main part of the talk was given by Dr. Liudmila Zaytseva.
- (#) Correct C# Grammar too Sharp for ISO.
- Selected presentation at Summer School on Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering (GTTSE 2005), Braga, Portugal, 6 July 2005.
- [Slides
] [Abstract]
- (#) Grammarware Application: Testing XML Validators.
- Invited presentation at Microsoft Research Academic Days (MRAD), Stockholm, Sweden, 26 November 2004. First part about Grammarware Engineering was given by Ralf Lämmel.
- [Slides
- (#) Combinatorial Test Set Generation: Concepts, Implementation, Case Study.
- Final defence talk for receiving the Master of Science degree, Universiteit Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, 22 June 2004.
- [Slides
] [Thesis] [Diploma]
- (#) A .NET-based Test-Data Generator for Combinatorial Grammar- and Schema-based Testing.
- Local department talk on joint research with Ralf Lämmel (now Prof. Dr.) and Dr. Wolfram Schulte, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 14 April 2004.
- [Slides
] [Thesis]
- (#) Modelling and Model Checking of Distributed Systems.
- Final defence talk for receiving the Master of Science degree, Southern Regional Informatisation Centre, Rostov State University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, 16 June 2003.
- [Slides
] [Thesis] [Diploma]
- (#) Comparison and Analysis of Security Protocol Verification Techniques Used in Development of e-Business Applications.
- Mini-conference presentation at Distributed e-Business Techniques (DeBT), Universiteit Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, 27 February 2003. Best Paper Award. Best Presentation Award. Presented joint work with Jieyin Cheng.
- (#) Python Programming Language E-Learning Complex.
- Final defence talk for receiving the Bachelor of Science degree, Southern Regional Informatisation Centre, Rostov State University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, 4 July 2002.
- [Thesis] [Diploma]
- (#) Python as the First Language to Teach.
- Paper presentation at The Training and Methodological Conference on Modern IT in Teaching (MITT), Southern Regional Informatisation Centre, Rostov State University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, 25 April 2002.
- [Paper]
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